Get to know Selma and follow her on her journey from Malawi to Ecuador and Germany. You will support her to overcome challenges, search for clues and solve riddles to fight for justice and the protection of nature.

Selma is a university student and an environmental and human activist from Malawi. She discovers environmentally harmful and human rights violating practices of a multinational company operating in Malawi. To fight these practices, she travels to Ecuador and Germany and back to Malawi. On her way, she meets environmental and human rights activists and learns how they engage for sustainability and democracy. Will she find a way to stand up to the multinational company and to support her family and local community?

The game’s story and all characters and companies are fictious. But similar things happen in real life all over the world.

Duration of the game: Approx. 1,5 hours. It is divided into 6 chapters and it is possible to pause and continue playing later.

The game was developed by Büro für Eskapismus in cooperation with VNB e.V. and Learn2Change partners from Malawi, Ecuador and Germany. It is part of the project “Our Voices – Our Planet”.